Wednesday, February 5, 2014

What do you think about Medical Marijuana?

So as all of you who have read my past blogs know that I have had 2 liver transplants and am currently waiting on a 3rd. Dealing with it all isn't easy one bit thats for sure, you have to deal with all kinds of medications that some time include narcotics. Me personally, I have to take anti-depressents, sleeping pills, and pain pills ( Dilaudid ).

Most people I talk to dont understand that you CAN get hooked to pain pills that your doctors prescribe to you. Just because your doctors gives you something to take does NOT mean its safe. Pain pills are on the same level as crack and meth, so pretty much your taking prescribed meth or crack. Would you take that if your doctor gave it to you to take for pain? Not only that but it only cures ONE thing and that is pain, it doesn't help with things like sleep and depression narcotics are actually a depressant. Also narcotic use kills. 38,329 were drug ODs, 22,134 were Pharmaceuticals thats 60% and out of the 22,134 75% were pain killers.

So what do I think about medical Marijuana? Well studies show that one strand of marijuana can help with sleep, depression,and pain. Well there go all the extra pills I take each day. You can NOT get addicted to marijuana, also when is the last time you hear this, " Oh yea so-so beat his wife last night he was high on all that weed he smokes." NO you dont hear that if you do its usually alcohol related. Alcohol and cigarettes kill more people each year then any thing else in the United States but thats legal? Wanna know how many people marijuana kills? 0 none.

So now that you know my thoughts on this topic let me know what you think.

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